Everyone in the company gets a different job.  Tasks given both heavy and light can be done individually or in groups. Something that can only be done by experts may not necessarily also be done by those who are not in their field. The heavy or light work is seen from the company’s portion in providing the tasks assigned to its employees. The assignment given by the company is sometimes very tedious for employees, making them tired easily.

The leader who should also understand the condition of his teammates. The work that piles up and waiting for a task that takes so long gives every employee a sense of fatigue, and boring. That way the task will not run optimally or run well. The attention of a leader in managing the conditions of his teammates is something that should be done to be able to do a good job. As for what needs to be considered to increase the return from fatigue, the leader must have a way to overcome this.

Understand The Interests

The leader will continue to be responsible for the work path of his teammates. Stay consistent by understanding the importance of the goals to be achieved. Boring and tiredness from waiting and getting a job is one of the challenges of work. That way, leaders must always remember the importance of the goals to be achieved. Create a good conversation space for teammates to provide a clear understanding of how important the goals to be achieved. Knowing the goal is so important for leaders, then employees will easily understand how big the results will be.

Balancing Attention And Containment

The workload gives the nature of being saturated and tiring in doing it. There are so many tasks given to employees every day, giving a great risk of fatigue. Work that is not divided equally, is like the forced labor done by the colonizers to the common people. Missed break time so the schedule given is messy. This causes an employee to think about quitting his job. Therefore, as a leader, you should understand the condition of each employee. The attention given to their work and being able to keep them from doing their job well are conditions that need to be taken into account by leaders in dealing with every employee. Provide enough space to gather and joke with employees.  Give an approach so that you can understand the condition of employees well

Give Positive Energy To Everyone Every day

The workplace is your teammate to do the work. Make it a comfortable place for them to work. Do well and give them positive energy every day. Make things interesting as possible to do so that their work does not feel heavy. One of the main keys to a leader can be done by providing positive energy for his teammates. Create an interesting atmosphere so that they trust you to keep up the good work.


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